Podcasts are making a comeback among Gen-Zs.

They’re easy to consume on the go, which is why most of us catch up on news or bite-sized podcasts on our back home from the office.

The audio medium, enriched with the changing tones & moods of the speakers (along with their guests) makes things more exciting than reading a newspaper.

But podcasts are not just for entertainment or news roundups. They can also be a great medium to learn something useful related to your field.

So on that note, here are some podcasts that you should listen to if you love marketing. They’re suitable for all levels, so you don’t have to be an industry maverick to gain insights from them.

I’ve selected them based on their quality and also their freshness i.e. whether they’re regularly uploading new episodes in recent times.

You’ll find most of them on Spotify, although you may also be able to stream them on Apple Podcasts (iTunes), Google Podcasts, RSS Feeds, and other channels.

Let’s get right into it!

This podcast is co-hosted by Neil Patel, who many regard as the Father of SEO & Content Marketing. He is the founder of Ubersuggest, one of the best tools for SEO marketers.

His podcast touches upon all kinds of topics, from lead generation to agency management, and email marketing to his forte, search engine optimization.

Most episodes are lesser than 6 minutes so it’s a snappy one.

Listen to it here.

2. Digital Marketing Podcast

This podcast is run by Target Internet. It’s not only longer than Neil’s work but also focuses more on tools & their hands-on application than strategy.

If you’re into digital marketing and have half an hour to spare, this is a goldmine of insights that you can actually use at your desk.

Listen to it here.

3. Perpetual Traffic

If paid advertising is the name of your game, this is a weapon you should definitely wield going into the battle.

It’s quite the technical show, so you might need to take it slow, but it’s perfect for those who have a taste for PPC advertising, SEM, email automation, digital sales funnels, lead generation, and other paid traffic strategies.

Some cool episodes dive into how to increase your LTV (Lifetime Customer Value), ROAS (Return on Ad Spend), and AOV (Average Order Value).

Most episodes range from 30-45 minutes.

Listen to it here.

4. HBR Ideacast

This isn’t, strictly speaking, a show on marketing. It delves into general topics that are relevant to business leaders & consultants.

But the brevity of each episode, jam-packed with profound insights, is what makes it worthy of being added to any podcast recommendation list.

You’ll get loads of ideas for your next content piece, or at the very least, learn a useful technique to improve the quality of your thinking & lifestyle.

It’s run by Harvard Business Review. Most episodes are <10 minutes long.

Listen to it here.

5. Marketing O’ Clock

If you don’t have the time to commit to podcast listening daily, this weekly roundup might be a better pick for you.

It’s just a bunch of friends chatting up on the latest happenings in the industry, especially in the realm of social media.

Most of the episodes are loosely scripted, so the conversational feel is quite authentic & interesting to hear.

The episodes are usually a bit more than one hour long.

Listen to it here.

6. Social Media Marketing

This is perhaps the most consistently updated podcast on this list.

It is hosted by Michael Stelzner and produced by Social Media Examiner, which is a popular blog on social media marketing.

Stelzner decodes the latest developments, trends, and best practices of popular social platforms like YouTube, Facebook, Instagram, and TikTok. He also has occasional motivational episodes for marketers who have lost their way.

Listen to his insights here.

7. GaryVee Audio Experience

No list of marketing resources is complete without a mention of Gary Vaynerchuk, the famous serial entrepreneur.

True to his image, the podcast is filled with direct ideas on how to accelerate your branding strategies & unleash the power of digital communities.

He mixes it up with motivational pep talks & charged speeches about living your best life, which is a refreshing change.

The episodes can range from 15 minutes – 1 hour.

Listen to Gary here.

8. The Copywriter Club

This is a specialized podcast on copywriting, content marketing, and good old editorial techniques.

It goes beyond the mere techniques of good copywriters, also exploring themes of building your copy business/freelance setup, staying motivated, and coming up with good ideas.

Even if you’re not into copywriting, you should listen to an episode every now & then because it’ll give you great ideas on how to fuel your creativity & keep the fire burning.

Most episodes are about 1 hour and 15 minutes long.

Listen to them here.

9. The CMO Podcast

Becoming a company’s Chief Marketing Officer is something every rookie dreams of. If that’s true for you, then his podcast is a great companion to carry along on that journey.

The host, Jim Stengel, interviews marketing leaders of top brands, uncovering how they think & plan for their brand’s growth in the competitive digital era.

As the podcast’s intro notes, it’s not your typical show. There’s a good amount of action & lots of surprises, so buckle up.

Most episodes are just under one hour.

Listen to Stengel & his guests here.

10. Search Engine Journal Show

This is the official podcast of the Search Engine Journal, which is one of the most popular industry blogs out there.

It’s hosted by Loren Baker, who talks about trending SEO, paid, social, content, and digital marketing stories with top industry experts & authorities.

The episodes are usually one hour long.

Listen to Loren & her guests here.

Honorable Mentions

  • Copyblogger
  • Brain Bescuits (for GK)
  • Duct Tape Marketing
  • Everyone Hates Marketing
  • Akimbo
  • Everything is Marketing

So that brings us to the end of the updated list of must-listen podcasts for marketing professionals in 2022. I hope the suggestions give you some warm company during your crazy commutes.

Have you already been listening to any of them?

Which one’s your favorite & why?

BTW, did I miss any good ones?

Let me know your thoughts & suggestions in the comments section below!

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