Manik’s Brief Machine

Want to upskill in marketing?
Thinking of switching careers?
Want to build a portfolio?
Feel creatively stuck in your journey?
Need a challenge?

Whatever your story may be, here’s a Brief Machine of original & exciting creative challenges that will get your brain muscles up & running.

Share your output & tag me on LinkedIn if you find the courage to execute these crazy briefs!

May The Force Be With You, my young padawan.

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Today’s Challenge

September 8, 2024

Write 10 unique creative mobile app notifications for TATA 1mg. First google the character limits, best practices & guidelines on how to write notifications. Then study other brands & make a collection of great mobile app notifications. Then study the brand's tonality for which you need to write the notifs. What does it sound & talk? What do the consumers like? You can't write funny Gen-Z notifications for a serious business reader app like Financial Times ... or can you? Feel free to break the rules if you dare.

And after you've done the research, then start writing your own. The objective is to get people to click the notification & open the app. Feel free to use a topical occassion (like X'mas) or promote a juicy but realistic offer (20% off). Each notification should have a different messaging, feature highlight or offering.

Share this on LinkedIn & tag me so I can give feedback.

Tip: Use the hashtag #BriefMachine when you’re sharing your stuff on LinkedIn so that everyone can give feedback!